Wednesday, December 8, 2021


The following are some of the reasons to be FIBER OPTIC certified.
  • 1. Proof of Professionalism Fiber Education and Certification is a level of competence commonly accepted and valued by many telecoms industries. Telecoms Employers give preference in hiring applicants with FOA certification. They view this as proof that a new hire knows the procedures and technologies required.
  • 2. Enhanced Job Opportunity One of the advantages of FOA Fiber certification is that it can be used as stand-alone qualification and it can be attached to your primary degrees/diplomas for enhancing job opportunity.
  • 3. Career Advancement Fiber optic certification is a plus when an employer awards job advancements and promotions. Employers generally make assessment on both tech skills and certification before awarding promotions.
  • 4. Training Requirement Fiber Certification may be required as a prerequisite to attending a vendor's training course, so employers will offer advanced training to those employees who are already certified.
  • 5. Highly In-Demand Fiber optic Skills are The Most Valuable and Highly In-Demand profession around the world in the telecom industry. FOA qualifications are needed in almost every Telecom workplace for efficiency.
  • 6. Job Security and Promotion: With fiber optic Skills, you can easily secure a job. Study shows that degree holders with certification have better chance of securing jobs even faster than those without certification. Companies operation today is I.T driven, so often they look for employees who are certified. They also give promotions easily to employees who are highly skilled with certification
  • 7. Global Recognition FOA is globally respected and recognized for their fiber optic skills, the certification are also widely accepted and recognized.